Thursday, December 20, 2012

Naive liberals and guns

I feel sorry for liberals.
They think 'if only we get rid of every gun in America, then there will be no more violence.'
They live in a fantasy world refusing to accept that there are evil people that have walked among us since the beginning of humankind.
I feel sorry for them because they operate only on pure emotion, devoid of memory/history/fact -- Like my dog who lives only in the moment wanting to be petted and to feel good.
It's sad.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

What does Obama's re-election say about Americans?

From an article said to have been published in the Prague newspaper Prager Zeitungon:

“The danger to America is not Barack Obama, but a citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him with the Presidency. It will be far easier to limit and undo the follies of an Obama presidency than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to a depraved electorate willing to have such a man for their president.

The problem is much deeper and far more serious than Mr. Obama, who is a mere symptom of what ails America . Blaming the prince of fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince. The Republic can survive a Barack Obama, who is, after all, merely a fool. It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools, such as those who made him their President.”


Monday, November 5, 2012

Why is Randy Guzman such a moron?

This moron lives in my neighborhood: Randy Guzman

Here's his response when a few of us suggested that Halloween in our small neighborhood has gotten out of control with the annual invasion of 2,000-3,000 families (ie speeding cars, trash and beer bottles in my front yard, adults with pillow cases demanding candy, etc):

"How many years have you lived in the neighborhood?... We live downtown and as said prior, it comes with the territory... My advice is that if  it drives you crazy, go out to a nice dinner and movie... Another solution would  be move to a gated community, then you will be safe from all the lower income people that live so close to Encanto."

I think Randy Guzman should consider moving out of the neighborhood - Perhaps a lower income neighborhood would suit him just fine.
Hispanic culture is supposedly defined by family and community.  Yet Hispanic neighborhoods become ghost towns on Halloween.  Why is that?  I don't believe the argument that a low-income family can't afford a $5 bag of candy.  I believe this is all about one thing and one thing only: Where's my free stuff?! (Mentality courtesy of Democrats).

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

DNC 2012 Convention

Here's what we learned from the 2012 DNC Convention.  Democrats are:

1. God-less (scrubbed the Party Platform of any reference to God, then forced to put back in)
2. Anti-Israel (scrubbed the Party Platform of any reference to Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, then forced to put back in)
3. Literally abortion crazy

Watch this video of Democrat delegates being asked about Socialism:

Watch this video of Democrat delegates being asked if the U.S. should "ban profits":

Michelle Obama -- Not a fan thank you.

I think Michelle Obama enjoys livin' the high life of the White House.  Can you blame her? Who wouldn't enjoy taking extravagant taxpayer-funded vacations around the world as much as you like.

The Castro Twins scare me...

These guys remind me of another famous pair of twins.  Anyone remember the movie The Shining?

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Frank Fairbanks is a thief.

Arizona pension payouts bolstered by Phoenix
The Arizona Republic, 11/16/10

Records obtained by The Arizona Republic while researching public-pension practices show Fairbanks actually accepted raises and bonuses, and received pay for unused vacation and sick leave, to earn $1.3 million during his final three years before retiring Nov. 5, 2009. By significantly boosting his pay toward the end of his career, Fairbanks spiked his annual pension from the City of Phoenix Employees' Retirement Plan to $246,813 a year - the largest pension among all six public-pension systems in Arizona. That pension amount is roughly $47,000 more than the pension provided to every living former U.S. president.

Read the full article:

Friday, August 31, 2012

Joe Biden: Intellectual of the Democrat Party

Obama at Ft. Bliss 8/31/12

Audio Wizard? Beware...

This is a consumer alert for anyone considering using Audio Wizard, 
located in Scottsdale, Arizona.

8120 E. McDowell Road, Scottsdale, AZ 85257, 480-946-7164, fax 480-947-1443,

Audio Wizard claims on its website to specialize in "Professional Audio, Video, Computer Diagnostics and Repairs". However, I've used them and they are nothing but incompetent and extremely rude.

I paid them several hundred dollars to repair my audio equipment recently - My equipment is still broken.
One man appears to do the work in back and another man works the front counter and answers the phone.

During my 6th and final visit there, the man who works the counter actually called me an "asshole" and told me to "get out of here" when I questioned why it had been over 2 months and my equipment had not yet been repaired.

This company borders on fraudulent and should be put out of business.  If you don't believe me, then take a look at why the Better Business Bureau gives Audio Wizard an 'F' rating (BBB link here). 

Take my advice: Stay Away.

Screenshot of Audio Wizard website:


Who is Ray Gallegos?

Ray Gallegos of Phoenix is an independent landscaper/handyman. He sometimes uses the company name "Rid-A-Junk" and has used the following contact info: 602-487-0919,,

He sometimes partners with a gentleman named Leonard (but I personally have no complaint with Leonard).

In addition to debris removal, Ray offers plumbing and handyman services.

Problem: I had Ray do some debris removal from my home recently. The work he did was satisfactory. I then scheduled Ray to come back for additional work and made the mistake of pre-paying him ($250), falsely thinking I could trust him. Ray never returned to perform the work and he never returned the money spite of repeated phone calls and messages.

Ray Gallegos is not a man of his word and should not be trusted. Call him at your own risk.

Who is Steve Hecht?

Steve or Steven Hecht of Phoenix is a pestering salesman and has used the following numbers: 623-243-7979, 623-243-7980, 602-330-6336, 602-249-6737

Steve left several annoying message on my office voicemail and my cellphone (I have no idea how he got either number, but he claims he was referred to me by someone I knew - Total BS.) He would leave no details in his messages about why he was calling me. The messages seemed designed to make me believe I knew him, but I didn't - So I ignored him. But he kept calling me, and I eventually accidentally answered my cell phone. He claimed to be an executive recruiter looking for skilled professionals and was hoping I could refer people to him. I told him I was unable to help, but wished him luck.

A little internet searching shows he is/was affiliated with Primerica Financial Services, a financial solutions/services company based in Phoenix. According to a website description, "Primerica is in the business of changing lives. They fulfill their mission — to help families become debt free and financially independent..."

Here's an .mp3 of one of Steve's voicemails. I didn't know that people actually talked like this:

insert .mp3 file here

Message to all Steve Hechts of the world: Do not call people pretending to know them. Be straight up and honest about who you are and make your intentions known. That's how you earn respect and business.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Paul Ryan home run

Paul Ryan hit it out of the park tonight.  Makes Joe Biden look like the fool his is.