Tuesday, September 11, 2012

DNC 2012 Convention

Here's what we learned from the 2012 DNC Convention.  Democrats are:

1. God-less (scrubbed the Party Platform of any reference to God, then forced to put back in)
2. Anti-Israel (scrubbed the Party Platform of any reference to Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, then forced to put back in)
3. Literally abortion crazy

Watch this video of Democrat delegates being asked about Socialism: TheBlaze.com

Watch this video of Democrat delegates being asked if the U.S. should "ban profits": SchiffRadio.com

Michelle Obama -- Not a fan thank you.

I think Michelle Obama enjoys livin' the high life of the White House.  Can you blame her? Who wouldn't enjoy taking extravagant taxpayer-funded vacations around the world as much as you like.

The Castro Twins scare me...

These guys remind me of another famous pair of twins.  Anyone remember the movie The Shining?

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Frank Fairbanks is a thief.

Arizona pension payouts bolstered by Phoenix
The Arizona Republic, 11/16/10

Records obtained by The Arizona Republic while researching public-pension practices show Fairbanks actually accepted raises and bonuses, and received pay for unused vacation and sick leave, to earn $1.3 million during his final three years before retiring Nov. 5, 2009. By significantly boosting his pay toward the end of his career, Fairbanks spiked his annual pension from the City of Phoenix Employees' Retirement Plan to $246,813 a year - the largest pension among all six public-pension systems in Arizona. That pension amount is roughly $47,000 more than the pension provided to every living former U.S. president.

Read the full article: www.TheArizonaRepublic.com